
Indian dog shark
Trade name | Indian dog shark |
Scientific Name | Scoliodon laticaudus |
French | Requin |
Japanese | Same, Fuka |
Spanish | Tiburone |
Gear used | Long line |
Peak Season | September to April |
Distribution | West and South-East coasts of India |
Areas of abundance | Gujarat and Maharashtra coasts |
White cheeked shark
Trade Name | White cheeked shark |
Scientific name | Carcharhius dussumieri |
French | Requin |
Japanese | Same, Fuka |
Spanish | Tiburone |
Gear used | long line |
Peak season | September to April |
Distribution | West and Souh-East coasts of India |
Areas of abundance | Gujarat and Maharashtra coasts |
Black tip shark
Trade name | Black tip shark |
Scientific | Eulamia spallanzani |
French | Requin |
Japanese | Same, Fuka |
Spanish | Tiburone |
Gear used | Hook and Long line, and Trawl net |
Peak season | Throughout the year particularly from September to April |
Distribution | West and East coasts of India |
Areas of abundance | Coasts of Kerala , Maharashtra and gujarat |
Hammer head shark
Trade Name | Hammer head shark |
Scientific | Sphyrna zygaena |
French | Requin-marteau |
Japanese | Shiroshumoko |
Spanish | Pez martillo |
Gear used | Hook and line, and Trawl net |
Peak season | January to May |
Distribution | South-East coast of India |
Areas of abundance | Port Novo (Tamil Nadu coast) |
Guitar fish
Trade Name | Guitar fish |
Scientific Name | Rhincobatus djeddensis |
French | Guitare |
Japanese | Sakatazame |
Spanish | Guitarra |
Gear used | Hook and line |
Peak season | December to May |
Distribution | South-East coast of India |
Areas of abundance | Tamil Nadu coast |
Whip tail sting ray
Trade Name | Whip tail sting ray |
Scientific | Himantura bleekeri |
French | Raie |
Jap | Ei, Kasube |
Spanish | Raya |
Gear used | Hook and line, and Trawl net |
Peak season | December to May |
Distribution | East coast of India |
Areas of abundance | Gulf of Mannar |
Javanese cow ray
Trade Name | Javanese cow ray |
Scientific | Rhinoptera Javanica |
French | Raie |
Japanese | Ei, Kasube |
Spanish | Raya |
Gear used | Hook and line, Trawl net and shore seine |
Peak season | January to May |
Distribution | South-East coast of India |
Areas of abundance | Cape comorin (Tamil Nadu coast) |
For more details visit Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) website – www.incois.gov.in