We envision India becoming the top country to provide sustainable and quality seafood to every corner of the world.
We are determined with the objective to promote the Indian marine products industry with reference to the exports of quality seafood from the country.
Our focus is mainly on Market Promotion, Capture Fisheries, Culture Fisheries, Processing Infrastructure & Value addition, Quality Control, Research and Development.

The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) is a statutory body established in 1972 under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry to promote marine products export from India. We have been guiding and supporting the country’s seafood industry to produce and process quality seafood and market it.
I am glad to inform you that the marine products exports have reached USD 8.09 Billion in 2023. This achievement marked a quantum jump over our accomplishments during the previous years. First, let me congratulate the exporters for achieving 4.31% growth from a year earlier. I also take this opportunity to thank all other stakeholders and the entire fisheries fraternity for being part and parcel of this success story.
The seafood exports from the country are facing a whole gamut of issues, and its resurgence after three harrowing years is an accurate morale-booster dose for the national economy. Currently, India is exporting to more than 120 countries. With the vast resources of coastlines and pristine waters, India can promote culture and capture fisheries for safe and sustainable fishery production. The marine products export from India is targeted to reach USD 14 billion by 2025. MPEDA has already submitted a road map to achieve this goal, including the interventions required in the production, value addition and market promotion of seafood.
This website is an excellent knowledge repository and will give you a glimpse of MPEDA’s role in various seafood production, processing, marketing and export activities. We have tried to place maximum information on this site and make it user-friendly. I invite you to review each page and study the information packs and videos here. We are open to your critical review and seek suggestions to improve the efficacy of this site. Further, please feel free to contact us for any additional information.
I welcome you to MPEDA for any support in seafood export trade.
Shri. Dodda Venkata Swamy IAS
Registration of Exporters, Fishing Vessels and other Processing entities is one of the statutory functions of MPEDA under Section 9(2) (b) and (h) of the MPEDA Act 1972. Registration as an exporter is granted under section 9(2) (h) of Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) Act 1972 read with rules 40-42 of MPEDA Rules, 1972. Registration is done for the following categories viz. Manufacturer Exporter, Merchant , Route through Merchant & Ornamental Fish Exporter and also for entities such as Fishing Vessels, Processing Plants, Storage Premises, Conveyance, Pre-Processing Centres, Live Fish Handling Centre, Chilled Fish Handling Centre, Dried Fish Handling Centre, Independent Cold Storages And ice plants
Marketing Division of MPEDA comprises of Market Promotion Division, Statistics Division, Marketing Services Division and Development Division. The following services are rendered by Marketing Division for the benefit of the trade.
- Undertake the Market Promotion activities viz., Arranging participation in international fairs, Organizing Trade Delegations, Buyer Seller Meets (BSM), Reverse Buyer Seller Meets (RBSM), Road shows, Stakeholder consultation meeting etc, Branding & Advertisement of Indian seafood in various markets, Market Research and Strengthening & expanding Trade Promotion Offices of MPEDA abroad.
- Statistical data collection and dissemination
- Dissemination of market information & trade enquiries to trade
- Taking up problems/issues of the industry with appropriate agency / organizations working under Govt. of India.
- Redressal of quality and trade disputes.
- Providing suggestions / proposals for pre-budget exercise of the Union Government related to seafood sector.
- Development activities for creating and upgarding seafood processing infrastructure.
Seafood processing units in India are approved by the Export Inspection Council of India. Approvals are given as either Units eligible to export to European Union or as Units eligible to export to countries other than European Union.
Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (FSVPS) is also approving seafood processing units in India and giving license to export marine products to Russia. Links are provided to obtain the list of approved units in India under the categories EU approved, Non- EU approved and Units approved by Russian Federation.
Exporter Directory is the consolidated list of all exporters registered with MPEDA. The details of exporter includes the complete postal address, name of the Chief Executive, contact numbers, e-mail address, location and product details. Exporter Directory is provided in a searchable form, by which interested people can search exporters by Company Name, Location / Place, State, Exporter Type, Process Type, Variety and Products offered by the exporter. The Exporter Directory is also available in CD form which is available for purchase from all MPEDA offices.
1. What are the actions taken by MPEDA in promoting Indian Seafood Exports abroad?
Participation in international fairs
For export promotion, MPEDA participates in major international seafood fairs in the world and displays a wide range of India’s products especially value added products to generate awareness and demand.
Ensuring sustained quality seafood by redefining the export potential of India.
Inviting stakeholder comments on ‘Guidelines for registration of Depuration unit’. (please send your comments to adregn@mpeda.gov.in)
Logo design contest for Shaphari certification (Last date- 03/10/2024)
Implementation of TDSVMP guidelines for the FY 2024-25.
Registration of seafood buyer agents
Scheme announcement message for the FY 2024-25
HACCP calendar for the year 2023-24
Circular – Covid-19 protocols by Stake holders dt 05-09-2022
Transfer Order Part II No.023/2022
Transfer Order Part II No.024/2022
Circular – Taken over charge of Chairman dt 17-08-2022
Public Notice on Fishing vessels/Peeling sheds/ ice plants/ conveyance listed for de-registration by MPEDA RD, Kochi
MPEDA’s Covid Video for the International market – Indian Seafood – Safe, Healthy, Hygienic
Registration of infrastructural facilities for seafood export trade and collection and dissemination of trade information.
Promotion of Indian marine products, aquaculture for augmenting export production through hatchery and farm development, diversification of species and up-gradation of technology.
Promotion of deep-sea fishing projects through test fishing, joint ventures and up-gradation & installation of equipment to increase the efficiency of fishing.
Implementation of schemes for infrastructure development for better preservation and modernised processing following the quality regime.

Inspection of marine products, raw material, fixing standards and specifications, training, steps for maintaining the quality of seafood that are marketed overseas.
Impart training to fishermen, fish processing workers, aquaculture farmers and other stakeholders in the respective fields related to fisheries.
Conduct research and development for the aquaculture of aquatic species through RGCA. Extension and awareness activities, training through NETFISH & NaCSA.
To prescribe for itself any matters required for protecting and augmenting the seafood exports from the country in the future.
Shrimp Ghee Pepper Roast
Want to bring some pep and zing to a dreary day? Give your palette a hit of some authentic Indian flavours. This dish with its medley of masalas, tantalising aroma of ghee and lovely juicy Indian Vannamei shrimps roasted a beautiful deep pink will send your taste buds into overdrive. It might be a good…
Shrimps Newburg
It is Friday evening. Here is a great way to kickstart a delectable weekend. Pamper yourself with a sinfully rich Shrimps Newburg. The plump, sweet shrimps cosseted in a velvety sauce, with a hint of sherry in its depths, is a great way to welcome a weekend of indulgence. It is classic, elegant and easy…
Mediterranean Shrimps
“The fusion of juicy shrimps, crisp vegetables and the nutty sweetness of the sherry elevates this dish to another level. A spoonful will transport you to a lively tapas bar in Spain. (Or, if you so prefer, stretched out luxuriously in the shade of an olive grove on a sunny island in the Aegean Sea)”…
Get in touch
The Marine Products Export Development Authority,
MPEDA House,
Panampilly Avenue,
Panampilly Nagar P.O,
Kochi – 682 036,
Phone :
+91 484 2311901, +91 484 2311854, +91 484 2311803, +91 484 2313415,
+91 484 2314468, +91 484 2315065
+91 484 2313361
E-mail: ho[at]mpeda[dot]gov[dot]in
MON-FRI 09:00 – 17:30 HRS