Lobster (medium size) body – 8 nos
Garlic – 6 cloves
Shallot peeled – 30 gms
Fennel seeds – crushed – 1 tspn
Lime juice – 10 ml
Red chilly – coarsely ground – 1 tspn
Salt – 3/4 tspn
Butter – 30 gms
Coconut oil – 15 ml


1. Seperate the head, remove intestine of the lobster and discard them.
2. Cut the body into 1″ – 1 1/2 rounds with the shell. Wash and drain.
3. Crush together peeled garlic, shallot, fennel and mix with salt, lime juice and red chilly.
4. Marinate lobster in the above mixture and keep for 1/2 an hour.
5. Heat together butter and coconut oil in pan and saute the lobster pieces in it. When the lobster gets golden colour on the edges, add corainder leaves, cover with a lid and cook for 5 more minutes at a medium temperature.
6. Remove and serve garnished with spring onions leaves/fennel leaves, slices of lemon and date chutney.

Accompaniment : Bread

Cooking time : 15 mts

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