Aquaculture is an activity producing fish or shellfish mainly for human consumption. It is carried out in ponds, enclosures or in open water bodies and thus involves continuous interaction with the environment. Aquaculture can be a sustainable activity, if it is carried out in socially and environmentally responsible manner, by adopting good aquaculture practices. Sustainable aquaculture means an aquaculture production system that operates in harmony with the environment and living systems, utilizing renewable resources as far as possible, providing living conditions to the animals as close to that of their natural habitats as well as in tune with the human and social environment of the locality. Sustainability can be achieved by adopting Better Management Practices (BMPs). BMPs involve legal compliance, social responsibility, good site selection and farm construction, good practices in farm management right from pond preparations to harvest and post harvest management activities. Adoption of BMPs would result in better production, productivity and returns on the one hand and environmental and social responsibilities on the other.