
Trade Name | Croaker |
Scientific name | Johnius dussumieri |
French | Tambour |
Japanese | Guchi |
Spanish | Corbina |
Gear used | Trawl net and Gill net |
Peak season | October to May |
Distribution | East and West coasts of India |
Areas of abundance | Maharashtra coast and Gulf of Munnar |

Trade Name | Croaker |
Scientific Name | Johnius soldado |
French | Tambour |
Japanese | Guchi |
Spanish | Corbina |
Gear used | Trawl net and Gill net |
Peak season | October to March |
Distribution | West and East coasts of India |
Areas of abundance | Kerala and Karnataka coasts |

Trade name | Croaker |
Scientific name | Daysciaena albida |
French | Tambour |
Japanese | Guchi |
Spanish | Corbina |
Gear used | Trawl net and Gill net |
Peak Seasons | October to March |
Distribution | West and East coasts of India |
Areas of abundance | Kerala and Karnataka coasts |

Trade Name | Croaker |
Scientific Name | Sciaena aneus |
French | Tambour |
Japanese | Guchi |
Spanish | Corbina |
Gear used | Trawl net and Gill net |
Peak season | October to March |
Distribution | West and East coasts of India |
Areas of abundance | Kerala and Karnataka coasts |
Blotched croaker

Trade Name | Blotched croaker |
Scientific Name | Nibea maculata |
French | Tambour |
Japanese | Guchi |
Spanish | Corbina |
Gear used | Trawl net and Gill net |
Peak season | October to March |
Distribution | West and East coasts of India |
Areas of abundance | Tamil Nadu coast |
Tiger toothed croaker

Trade Name | Tiger toothed croaker |
Scientific Name | Otolithes ruber |
French | Tambour |
Japanese | Guchi |
Spanish | Corbina |
Gear used | Trawl net and Gill net |
Peak season | October to March |
Distribution | East and West coasts of India |
Areas of abundance | Kerala and Maharastra coast |

Trade name | Ghol |
Scientific Name | Protonibea diacanthus |
French | Tambour |
Japanese : | Guchi |
Spanish | Corbina |
Gear used : | Trawl net and Gill net |
peak season | August to March |
Distribution | North-West coast to India |
Areas of abundance | Gujarat and Maharashtra coasts |
For more details visit Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) website –