Sl. No.Local NameScientific NamePeak SeasonDistributionAreas of Abundance
1White PrawnPenaeus indicusThrough out the year except monsoon seasonEntire West Coast and South-East Coasts of IndiaKerala & Karnataka Coasts
2Tiger PrawnPenaeus MondonNovember to MayEast Coast and South-West Coasts of IndiaWest Bengal and Odisha Coasts
3Flower PrawnPenaeus semisulcatusOctober to FebruaryEast & West Coast of IndiaKarnataka, Goa, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu & Gujarat
4Pink ShrimpMetapenaeus dobsoniJuly to OctoberWest & East Coast of IndiaKerala & Karnataka Coasts
5Brown ShrimpMetapenaeus monocerosNovember to MayWest & East Coast of IndiaCoasts of Andhra Pradesh & Odisha
6King PrawnMetapenaeus affinisNovember to MayThroughout the West Coast and certain parts of East CoastMaharashtra & Kerala Coasts
7Marine Shrimp (Karikadi)Paraenaeopsis styliferaMay to SeptemberBoth the Coasts but more in South-West CoastKerala & Karnataka Coasts
8JawalaAcetes indicusSeptember to MarchNorth-West and North East Coasts of IndiaMaharashtra, Gujarat and Coasts of Andaman & Nicobar Islands
9ScampiMacrobrachium rosenbergiiSeptember to November and May to JulyIn fresh and brackish waters along both CoastsLakes of West Bengal, Odisha and Kerala
10Deep sea ShrimpSolenocera sp.February to MayBoth East - West CoastsSouth - West Coasts
11Sand LobsterThenus orientailsThrough out the year particularly from December to JanuaryWest & South Coasts of IndiaKarnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu & Odisha Coasts
12Rock LobsterPanulirus ployhagusThrough out the year particularly from December to JanuaryWest & South-East Coasts of IndiaTamil Nadu & Maharashtra Coasts
13Rock LobsterPanulirus homarusThrough out the year particularly from December to JanuaryWest & South-East Coasts of IndiaTamil Nadu & Maharashtra Coasts
14Rock LobsterPanulirus orantusThrough out the year particularly from December to JanuaryWest & South-East Coasts of IndiaTamil Nadu & Maharashtra Coasts
15Deep Sea lobsterPuerulus sewliiThrough out the year particularly from December to JanuarySouth-East and South-West Coasts of IndiaTamil Nadu & Kerala Coasts
16Mud CrabScylla serrataJuly to OctoberWest & East Coast of IndiaCoasts of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Odisha
17Sea CrabPortunus sanguinolentusJuly to DecemberWest & East Coast of IndiaOff the Coasts of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka and Gujarat
18Sea CrabPortunus pelagicusJuly to DecemberWest & East Coast of IndiaOff the Coasts of West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Maharashtra
19Sea CrabCharybdis cruciataJuly to DecemberWest & East Coast of IndiaOff the Coast of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu
20Cuttle FishSepia sp.September to JanuaryWest & East Coast of IndiaPalk Bay, Tamil Nadu and Coasts of Maharashtra & Kerala
21SquidLoligo duvauceliiJanuary to MarchWest & East Coast of IndiaGujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh Coasts
22SquidDoryteuthis sibogaeApril to May & August to SeptemberWest & East Coast of IndiaKerala Coasts
23OctopusOctopus sp.September to JanuaryWest & East Coast of India & off LakshadweepOff Lakshadweep Coast
24Green MusselPerna viridisJuly to NovemberEast & West Coast of India and Port BlairCoasts of Kerala, Karnataka, Ratnagiri, Gulf of Kutch and Kakinada Bay
25ClamMeretrix meretrixJuly to NovemberWest & East Coast of IndiaAlong the Coasts of Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra and Kakinada Bay
26ClamVellorita cyprinoidesJuly to NovemberWest Coasts of IndiaKerala, Karnataka, Goa Coasts
27ClamKatelysia opimaJuly to NovemberWest and South-East Coasts of IndiaCoasts of Kerala, Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra
28Blood ClamAnadara granosaJuly to OctoberSouth-East Coasts of IndiaKakinada Bay in Andhra Pradesh
29OysterCrassostrea madrasensisAugust to FebruarySouth-West and South-East Coasts of IndiaTamil Nadu Coast
30Pearl OysterPinctada sp.Throughout the year except monsoon seasonSouth-East Coast of IndaTamil Nadu
31WhelkBabylonia canaliculateThroughout the year East Coast Tamil Nadu
32Gaint African SnailAchatina fulicaPost-monsoon period(june to october)Andaman & Nicobar IslandsAndaman & Nicobar Islands & West Bengal
33Indian Dog SharkScoliodon laticaudusSeptember to AprilWest & South Coasts of IndiaGujarat and Maharashtra Coasts
34White cheeked sharkCarcharhinus dussumieriSeptember to AprilWest and South-East Coasts of IndiaGujarat and Maharashtra Coasts
35Black tip sharkEulamia spallanzaniThroughout the year particularly from September to AprilWest & East Coast of IndiaCoasts of Kerala, Maharashtra and Gujarat
36Hammer Head sharkShyrna zygaenaJanuary to MaySouth-East Coasts of IndiaPort Novo (Tamil Nadu Coast)
37Guitar fishRhincobatus djeddensisDecember to MaySouth-East Coasts of IndaTamil Nadu Coast
38Whip Tail sting rayHimantura bleekeriDecember to MayEast Coasts of IndiaTamil Nadu
39Javanese cow rayRhinoptera javanicaJanuary to MaySouth-East Coasts of IndiaCape Comorin (Tamil Nadu Coast)
40Silver pomfretPampus argenteusSeptember to JanuaryNorth, Middle-West and North-East Coasts of IndiaMaharashtra, Gujarat and Odisha Coasts
41Chinese pomfretPampus chinensisAugust to December and MarchEast & West Coasts of IndiaMaharashtra and Gujarat Coasts
42Black pomfretParastromateus nigerAugust to DecemberWest & East Coast of IndiaMaharashtra & Gujarat Coasts
43Indian mackerelRastrelliger kanagurtaAugust to NovemberSouth, Middle-west and South-East Coasts of IndiaKarnataka & Kerala Coasts
44Seer fish (Spanish mackeral)Scomberomorus commersonOctober to DecemberWest and East Coasts of IndiaCoasts of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka
45Seer fish (Streaked Spanish mackeral)Scomberomorus lineolatusOctober to DecemberWest & East Coast of IndiaMaharashtra & Gujarat Coasts
46Seer fish (Spotted spanish mackeral)Scomberomorus guttatusOctober to DecemberWest & East Coasts of IndiaGujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala  & Andamans Coasts
47Black king fishRachycentron canadusAll around the yearEast & West Coasts of IndiaTamil Nadu and Kerala Coasts
48Little tunnyEuthynnus affinisOctober to MaySouth-West Coasts of IndiaKerala, Lakshadweep and Andaman Coast
49Yellowfin TunaThunnus albacaresOctober to JanuaryEast & West Coasts of IndiaLakshadweep, Andamans, Gulf of Mannar and Ratnagiri Coasts
50Big eye tunaThunnus obesusThroughout the year particularly from October to JanuarySouth-West and East coaswts of India & LakshadweepLakshadweep Islands, Gulf of Mannar, Vizhinjam, Ratnagiri Coasts
51Skipjack tunaKatsuwonus pelamisOctober to MayOff West and East Coasts of IndiaAndamans & Lakshadweep Islands
52Oriental BonitoSarda orientailsApril to May & July to AugustEast Coasts of IndiaSouth West Coast of India
53SnapperLutjanus sp.September to JanuaryWest and East Coasts of IndiaMalabar Coast of Kerala
54SnapperLutjanus sp.September to JanuarySouth-West & South East Coasts of IndiaKerala & Tamil Nadu Coasts
55Blood red snapperLutjanus sanguineusSeptember to DecemberSouth-East Coasts of IndiaTamil Nadu Coasts
56Black spot snapperLutjanus fulviflamusSeptember to JanuaryWest & East Coasts of IndiaKerala Coasts
57Emporer red snapperLutjanus sebaeSeptember to JanuaryWest & East Coasts of IndiaKerala Coasts
58Tiger PerchTerapon jarbuaSeptember to JanuaryIndo west PacificAll along the Coast of India
59Reef codEpinephelus sp.August to DecemberWest & East Coasts of IndiaOff Kerala Coast
60Malabar Reef codEpinephelus malabaricusAugust to DecemberSouth-East Coasts of IndiaTamil Nadu Coasts
61Reef codEpinephelus sp.August to DecemberWest & East Coasts of IndiaKerala Coasts
62Areolated codEpinephelus sp.August to December South-East Coast of IndaTamil Nadu Coast
63CroakerJohnius sp.October to MayEast & West Coasts of IndiaMaharashtra & Gulf of Mannar Coasts
64CroakerJohnius sp.October to MarchWest & East Coasts of IndiaKerala & Karnataka Coasts
65CroakerAtrobucca nibeOctober to MarchWest & East Coasts of IndiaKerala & Karnataka Coasts
66CroakerSciaena aneusOctober to MarchWest & East Coasts of IndiaKerala & Karnataka Coasts
67Blotched croakerNibea maculataOctober to MarchWest & East Coasts of IndiaTamil Nadu Coast
68Tiger toothed croakerOtolithes ruberOctober to MarchWest & East Coasts of IndiaKerala & Maharashtra Coasts
69Drab croakerJohnieops volgeriOctober to MarchWest & East Coasts of IndiaKerala & Maharashtra Coasts
70GholProtonibea diacanthusAugust to MarchNorth-West Coasts of IndiaGujarat and Maharashtra Coasts
71ScadAlepes mateJanuary to June & Sept. to Nov.West & East Coasts of IndiaKerala, Tamil Nadu and Andamans Coast
72Horse mackeralMegalapsis cordylaSeptember to NovemberSouth-East Coast and West Coast of IndiaKerala and Tamil Nadu Coasts
73Leather skinScomberoides IysanSeptember to JanuaryEast & West Coasts of IndiaAndhra, Tamil Nadu and Kerala Coasts
74Malabar TrevallyCarangoides malabaricusOctober to FebruaryEast & West Coasts of IndiaTamil Nadu & Kerala Coast
75Trevally/ParavaLactarius lactariusOctober to FebruaryEast & West Coasts of IndiaMaharashtra, Kerala and Tamil Nadu Coasts
76Black banded trevallySeriolina nigrofasciataThroughout the yearWest & East Coasts of IndiaKerala & Tamil Nadu Coasts
77Ribbon FishLepturacanthus savalaJuly to AprilEast & West Coasts of IndiaAndhra, Tamil Nadu,Kerala, Maharashtra and Gujarat Coasts
78Ribbon FishTrichiurus lepturusJuly to AprilWest & East Coasts of IndiaMaharashtra, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu Coasts
79Cat fishArius maculatusSeptember to MarchWest Coasts of IndiaKarnataka, Goa, Maharashtra Coasts
80Gaint Marine cat fishArius thalassinusMarch to June and September to OctoberEast & West Coast of IndiaMaharashra Coasts
81Indian oil sardineSardinella longicepsAugust to DecemberSouth-West Coasts of IndiaKerala & Karnataka Coasts
82Deep Bodied sardinellaSardinella brachysomaAugust to DecemberSouth-West Coasts of IndiaKerala & Karnataka Coasts
83Hilsa ilishaTenulosa ilishaAugust to December and February to MayNorth-West and North East Coasts of IndiaMaharashtra, Gujarat and Odisha Coasts
84Commerson's AnchovyAnchoviella commersoniOctober to AprilEast & West Coast of IndiaMaharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala Coasts
85Indian HalibutPsettodes erumeiJuly to septemberEast & West Coast of IndiaMaharashra Coasts
86SoleCynogossus macrolepidotusJuly to septemberWest & East Coasts of India
87SoleParaplagusia bilineataSeptember to MarchWest & East Coast of India
88Barracuda (Gaint sea pike)Sphyraena jelloSeptember to MarchEast & West Coast of IndiaKerala & Tamil Nadu Coasts
89Indian goat fishParupeneus indicusAugust to FebruaryEast Coast of IndiaTamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh Coasts
90Dark band goat fishUpeneus tragulaAugust to FebruaryEast Coast of IndiaTamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh 
91Indian salmonPolynemus tetradactylumSeptember to DecemberNorth-East and North West Coasts of IndiaWest Bengal, Gujarat and Odisha Coasts
92Bombay DuckHarpodon nehereusSeptember to JuneNorth-West Coast of IndiaMaharashtra & Gujarat Coasts
93Sea bassLates calcariferAugust to FebruaryCoastal waters, estuaries and lagoons entering brackish water
94TilapiaTilapia mossambicaAugust to FebruaryFresh and brackish waters
95Long spine sea-breamArgyrops spiniferAugust to FebruaryEast and West Coasts of IndiaAndhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat Coasts
96Japanese Thread fin breamNemipterus japonicus August to FebruaryEast and West Coasts of IndiaAndhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat Coasts
97Emporer BreamLithrinus fraenatusThroughout the yearEast Coast of IndiaGulf of Mannar
98Spade fishEphippus orbisAugust to JanuaryEast and West Coasts of IndiaAndhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat Coasts
99Pearl spotEtroplus suratensis May to NovemberAn estuarine form found along the south-west and Odisha CoastsLakes of Kerala & Karnataka
100Grey MulletMugil cephalusAugust to FebruaryEast & West Coast of India South west Coast , North East Coast
101Blue spot grey mulletValamugil seheliAugust to FebruaryEast and West Coasts of IndiaSouth-West Coasts, Vembanad lake and North-East Coasts
102Milk fishChanos chanosAugust to DecemberCoastal waters including lagoonsGulf of Mannar
103Dusky-finned bulleyePriacanthus hamrurAugust to DecemberEast Coast of IndiaAndhra Pradesh, tamil Nadu and Kerala Coasts
104Silver sillagoSillago sihamaMay to DecemberEast Coast of IndiaAndhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu & Kerala Coasts
105Lizard fishSaurida undosquamisThroughout the yearEast Coast of IndiaGulf of Mannar
106Indian conger eelConger cinereusJanuary to JulyEast and West Coasts of IndiaGujarat and Maharashtra Coasts
107Fresh water eelAnguilla bicolorSeptember to November and April to MayEast Coast of IndiaGangatic estuaries, Bay of Bengal and Andaman Islands
108Fresh water catfishSilurus wynadensisAugust to FebruaryWestern ghats Waynad, Bhavani river system
109Silver carpHypothalmichthys molitrixFresh water fishery
110Parrot fishScarus russelliThroughout the yearEast Coast of IndiaGulf of Mannar
111CatlaHamilton (Catla Catla)All seasonEast Coast, West Coast and Fresh Water bodies of IndiaSouth West Coast of India
112Jelly fishRhopilema sp.March to JuneWest and East Coasts of IndiaTamil Nadu and Kerala Coasts