The Important species and their species Identification can be searched in the following links also for taxonomic literature.
Sl. No. | Local Name | Scientific Name | Peak Season | Distribution | Areas of Abundance |
1 | White Prawn | Penaeus indicus | Through out the year except monsoon season | Entire West Coast and South-East Coasts of India | Kerala & Karnataka Coasts |
2 | Tiger Prawn | Penaeus Mondon | November to May | East Coast and South-West Coasts of India | West Bengal and Odisha Coasts |
3 | Flower Prawn | Penaeus semisulcatus | October to February | East & West Coast of India | Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu & Gujarat |
4 | Pink Shrimp | Metapenaeus dobsoni | July to October | West & East Coast of India | Kerala & Karnataka Coasts |
5 | Brown Shrimp | Metapenaeus monoceros | November to May | West & East Coast of India | Coasts of Andhra Pradesh & Odisha |
6 | King Prawn | Metapenaeus affinis | November to May | Throughout the West Coast and certain parts of East Coast | Maharashtra & Kerala Coasts |
7 | Marine Shrimp (Karikadi) | Paraenaeopsis stylifera | May to September | Both the Coasts but more in South-West Coast | Kerala & Karnataka Coasts |
8 | Jawala | Acetes indicus | September to March | North-West and North East Coasts of India | Maharashtra, Gujarat and Coasts of Andaman & Nicobar Islands |
9 | Scampi | Macrobrachium rosenbergii | September to November and May to July | In fresh and brackish waters along both Coasts | Lakes of West Bengal, Odisha and Kerala |
10 | Deep sea Shrimp | Solenocera sp. | February to May | Both East - West Coasts | South - West Coasts |
11 | Sand Lobster | Thenus orientails | Through out the year particularly from December to January | West & South Coasts of India | Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu & Odisha Coasts |
12 | Rock Lobster | Panulirus ployhagus | Through out the year particularly from December to January | West & South-East Coasts of India | Tamil Nadu & Maharashtra Coasts |
13 | Rock Lobster | Panulirus homarus | Through out the year particularly from December to January | West & South-East Coasts of India | Tamil Nadu & Maharashtra Coasts |
14 | Rock Lobster | Panulirus orantus | Through out the year particularly from December to January | West & South-East Coasts of India | Tamil Nadu & Maharashtra Coasts |
15 | Deep Sea lobster | Puerulus sewlii | Through out the year particularly from December to January | South-East and South-West Coasts of India | Tamil Nadu & Kerala Coasts |
16 | Mud Crab | Scylla serrata | July to October | West & East Coast of India | Coasts of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Odisha |
17 | Sea Crab | Portunus sanguinolentus | July to December | West & East Coast of India | Off the Coasts of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka and Gujarat |
18 | Sea Crab | Portunus pelagicus | July to December | West & East Coast of India | Off the Coasts of West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Maharashtra |
19 | Sea Crab | Charybdis cruciata | July to December | West & East Coast of India | Off the Coast of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu |
20 | Cuttle Fish | Sepia sp. | September to January | West & East Coast of India | Palk Bay, Tamil Nadu and Coasts of Maharashtra & Kerala |
21 | Squid | Loligo duvaucelii | January to March | West & East Coast of India | Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh Coasts |
22 | Squid | Doryteuthis sibogae | April to May & August to September | West & East Coast of India | Kerala Coasts |
23 | Octopus | Octopus sp. | September to January | West & East Coast of India & off Lakshadweep | Off Lakshadweep Coast |
24 | Green Mussel | Perna viridis | July to November | East & West Coast of India and Port Blair | Coasts of Kerala, Karnataka, Ratnagiri, Gulf of Kutch and Kakinada Bay |
25 | Clam | Meretrix meretrix | July to November | West & East Coast of India | Along the Coasts of Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra and Kakinada Bay |
26 | Clam | Vellorita cyprinoides | July to November | West Coasts of India | Kerala, Karnataka, Goa Coasts |
27 | Clam | Katelysia opima | July to November | West and South-East Coasts of India | Coasts of Kerala, Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra |
28 | Blood Clam | Anadara granosa | July to October | South-East Coasts of India | Kakinada Bay in Andhra Pradesh |
29 | Oyster | Crassostrea madrasensis | August to February | South-West and South-East Coasts of India | Tamil Nadu Coast |
30 | Pearl Oyster | Pinctada sp. | Throughout the year except monsoon season | South-East Coast of Inda | Tamil Nadu |
31 | Whelk | Babylonia canaliculate | Throughout the year | East Coast | Tamil Nadu |
32 | Gaint African Snail | Achatina fulica | Post-monsoon period(june to october) | Andaman & Nicobar Islands | Andaman & Nicobar Islands & West Bengal |
33 | Indian Dog Shark | Scoliodon laticaudus | September to April | West & South Coasts of India | Gujarat and Maharashtra Coasts |
34 | White cheeked shark | Carcharhinus dussumieri | September to April | West and South-East Coasts of India | Gujarat and Maharashtra Coasts |
35 | Black tip shark | Eulamia spallanzani | Throughout the year particularly from September to April | West & East Coast of India | Coasts of Kerala, Maharashtra and Gujarat |
36 | Hammer Head shark | Shyrna zygaena | January to May | South-East Coasts of India | Port Novo (Tamil Nadu Coast) |
37 | Guitar fish | Rhincobatus djeddensis | December to May | South-East Coasts of Inda | Tamil Nadu Coast |
38 | Whip Tail sting ray | Himantura bleekeri | December to May | East Coasts of India | Tamil Nadu |
39 | Javanese cow ray | Rhinoptera javanica | January to May | South-East Coasts of India | Cape Comorin (Tamil Nadu Coast) |
40 | Silver pomfret | Pampus argenteus | September to January | North, Middle-West and North-East Coasts of India | Maharashtra, Gujarat and Odisha Coasts |
41 | Chinese pomfret | Pampus chinensis | August to December and March | East & West Coasts of India | Maharashtra and Gujarat Coasts |
42 | Black pomfret | Parastromateus niger | August to December | West & East Coast of India | Maharashtra & Gujarat Coasts |
43 | Indian mackerel | Rastrelliger kanagurta | August to November | South, Middle-west and South-East Coasts of India | Karnataka & Kerala Coasts |
44 | Seer fish (Spanish mackeral) | Scomberomorus commerson | October to December | West and East Coasts of India | Coasts of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka |
45 | Seer fish (Streaked Spanish mackeral) | Scomberomorus lineolatus | October to December | West & East Coast of India | Maharashtra & Gujarat Coasts |
46 | Seer fish (Spotted spanish mackeral) | Scomberomorus guttatus | October to December | West & East Coasts of India | Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala & Andamans Coasts |
47 | Black king fish | Rachycentron canadus | All around the year | East & West Coasts of India | Tamil Nadu and Kerala Coasts |
48 | Little tunny | Euthynnus affinis | October to May | South-West Coasts of India | Kerala, Lakshadweep and Andaman Coast |
49 | Yellowfin Tuna | Thunnus albacares | October to January | East & West Coasts of India | Lakshadweep, Andamans, Gulf of Mannar and Ratnagiri Coasts |
50 | Big eye tuna | Thunnus obesus | Throughout the year particularly from October to January | South-West and East coaswts of India & Lakshadweep | Lakshadweep Islands, Gulf of Mannar, Vizhinjam, Ratnagiri Coasts |
51 | Skipjack tuna | Katsuwonus pelamis | October to May | Off West and East Coasts of India | Andamans & Lakshadweep Islands |
52 | Oriental Bonito | Sarda orientails | April to May & July to August | East Coasts of India | South West Coast of India |
53 | Snapper | Lutjanus sp. | September to January | West and East Coasts of India | Malabar Coast of Kerala |
54 | Snapper | Lutjanus sp. | September to January | South-West & South East Coasts of India | Kerala & Tamil Nadu Coasts |
55 | Blood red snapper | Lutjanus sanguineus | September to December | South-East Coasts of India | Tamil Nadu Coasts |
56 | Black spot snapper | Lutjanus fulviflamus | September to January | West & East Coasts of India | Kerala Coasts |
57 | Emporer red snapper | Lutjanus sebae | September to January | West & East Coasts of India | Kerala Coasts |
58 | Tiger Perch | Terapon jarbua | September to January | Indo west Pacific | All along the Coast of India |
59 | Reef cod | Epinephelus sp. | August to December | West & East Coasts of India | Off Kerala Coast |
60 | Malabar Reef cod | Epinephelus malabaricus | August to December | South-East Coasts of India | Tamil Nadu Coasts |
61 | Reef cod | Epinephelus sp. | August to December | West & East Coasts of India | Kerala Coasts |
62 | Areolated cod | Epinephelus sp. | August to December | South-East Coast of Inda | Tamil Nadu Coast |
63 | Croaker | Johnius sp. | October to May | East & West Coasts of India | Maharashtra & Gulf of Mannar Coasts |
64 | Croaker | Johnius sp. | October to March | West & East Coasts of India | Kerala & Karnataka Coasts |
65 | Croaker | Atrobucca nibe | October to March | West & East Coasts of India | Kerala & Karnataka Coasts |
66 | Croaker | Sciaena aneus | October to March | West & East Coasts of India | Kerala & Karnataka Coasts |
67 | Blotched croaker | Nibea maculata | October to March | West & East Coasts of India | Tamil Nadu Coast |
68 | Tiger toothed croaker | Otolithes ruber | October to March | West & East Coasts of India | Kerala & Maharashtra Coasts |
69 | Drab croaker | Johnieops volgeri | October to March | West & East Coasts of India | Kerala & Maharashtra Coasts |
70 | Ghol | Protonibea diacanthus | August to March | North-West Coasts of India | Gujarat and Maharashtra Coasts |
71 | Scad | Alepes mate | January to June & Sept. to Nov. | West & East Coasts of India | Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andamans Coast |
72 | Horse mackeral | Megalapsis cordyla | September to November | South-East Coast and West Coast of India | Kerala and Tamil Nadu Coasts |
73 | Leather skin | Scomberoides Iysan | September to January | East & West Coasts of India | Andhra, Tamil Nadu and Kerala Coasts |
74 | Malabar Trevally | Carangoides malabaricus | October to February | East & West Coasts of India | Tamil Nadu & Kerala Coast |
75 | Trevally/Parava | Lactarius lactarius | October to February | East & West Coasts of India | Maharashtra, Kerala and Tamil Nadu Coasts |
76 | Black banded trevally | Seriolina nigrofasciata | Throughout the year | West & East Coasts of India | Kerala & Tamil Nadu Coasts |
77 | Ribbon Fish | Lepturacanthus savala | July to April | East & West Coasts of India | Andhra, Tamil Nadu,Kerala, Maharashtra and Gujarat Coasts |
78 | Ribbon Fish | Trichiurus lepturus | July to April | West & East Coasts of India | Maharashtra, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu Coasts |
79 | Cat fish | Arius maculatus | September to March | West Coasts of India | Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra Coasts |
80 | Gaint Marine cat fish | Arius thalassinus | March to June and September to October | East & West Coast of India | Maharashra Coasts |
81 | Indian oil sardine | Sardinella longiceps | August to December | South-West Coasts of India | Kerala & Karnataka Coasts |
82 | Deep Bodied sardinella | Sardinella brachysoma | August to December | South-West Coasts of India | Kerala & Karnataka Coasts |
83 | Hilsa ilisha | Tenulosa ilisha | August to December and February to May | North-West and North East Coasts of India | Maharashtra, Gujarat and Odisha Coasts |
84 | Commerson's Anchovy | Anchoviella commersoni | October to April | East & West Coast of India | Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala Coasts |
85 | Indian Halibut | Psettodes erumei | July to september | East & West Coast of India | Maharashra Coasts |
86 | Sole | Cynogossus macrolepidotus | July to september | West & East Coasts of India | |
87 | Sole | Paraplagusia bilineata | September to March | West & East Coast of India | |
88 | Barracuda (Gaint sea pike) | Sphyraena jello | September to March | East & West Coast of India | Kerala & Tamil Nadu Coasts |
89 | Indian goat fish | Parupeneus indicus | August to February | East Coast of India | Tamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh Coasts |
90 | Dark band goat fish | Upeneus tragula | August to February | East Coast of India | Tamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh |
91 | Indian salmon | Polynemus tetradactylum | September to December | North-East and North West Coasts of India | West Bengal, Gujarat and Odisha Coasts |
92 | Bombay Duck | Harpodon nehereus | September to June | North-West Coast of India | Maharashtra & Gujarat Coasts |
93 | Sea bass | Lates calcarifer | August to February | Coastal waters, estuaries and lagoons entering brackish water | |
94 | Tilapia | Tilapia mossambica | August to February | Fresh and brackish waters | |
95 | Long spine sea-bream | Argyrops spinifer | August to February | East and West Coasts of India | Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat Coasts |
96 | Japanese Thread fin bream | Nemipterus japonicus | August to February | East and West Coasts of India | Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat Coasts |
97 | Emporer Bream | Lithrinus fraenatus | Throughout the year | East Coast of India | Gulf of Mannar |
98 | Spade fish | Ephippus orbis | August to January | East and West Coasts of India | Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat Coasts |
99 | Pearl spot | Etroplus suratensis | May to November | An estuarine form found along the south-west and Odisha Coasts | Lakes of Kerala & Karnataka |
100 | Grey Mullet | Mugil cephalus | August to February | East & West Coast of India | South west Coast , North East Coast |
101 | Blue spot grey mullet | Valamugil seheli | August to February | East and West Coasts of India | South-West Coasts, Vembanad lake and North-East Coasts |
102 | Milk fish | Chanos chanos | August to December | Coastal waters including lagoons | Gulf of Mannar |
103 | Dusky-finned bulleye | Priacanthus hamrur | August to December | East Coast of India | Andhra Pradesh, tamil Nadu and Kerala Coasts |
104 | Silver sillago | Sillago sihama | May to December | East Coast of India | Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu & Kerala Coasts |
105 | Lizard fish | Saurida undosquamis | Throughout the year | East Coast of India | Gulf of Mannar |
106 | Indian conger eel | Conger cinereus | January to July | East and West Coasts of India | Gujarat and Maharashtra Coasts |
107 | Fresh water eel | Anguilla bicolor | September to November and April to May | East Coast of India | Gangatic estuaries, Bay of Bengal and Andaman Islands |
108 | Fresh water catfish | Silurus wynadensis | August to February | Western ghats | Waynad, Bhavani river system |
109 | Silver carp | Hypothalmichthys molitrix | Fresh water fishery | ||
110 | Parrot fish | Scarus russelli | Throughout the year | East Coast of India | Gulf of Mannar |
111 | Catla | Hamilton (Catla Catla) | All season | East Coast, West Coast and Fresh Water bodies of India | South West Coast of India |
112 | Jelly fish | Rhopilema sp. | March to June | West and East Coasts of India | Tamil Nadu and Kerala Coasts |