1,08,526.27 ha is under L. vannamei culture in 9 maritime states producing 8,15,745 MT with Andhra Pradesh leading in total area under culture and production, followed by Gujarat & Tamil Nadu- Pondicherry. All India average productivity is 7.52 MT/ha/year.
| | 2020-21 | 2020-21 | 2020-21 |
Sl. No. | State | AUC (ha) | Production (MT) | Productivity (MT/ha/yr) |
1 | Andhra Pradesh | 71921 | 634672 | 8.82 |
2 | W. Bengal | 6059 | 35392 | 5.84 |
3 | Gujarat | 8986 | 50410 | 5.60 |
4 | Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry | 8600 | 44735 | 5.20 |
5 | Orissa | 10649 | 43677.4 | 4.10 |
6 | Maharashtra | 1183.49 | 4252.1 | 3.59 |
7 | Kerala | 157.39 | 420.85 | 2.67 |
8 | Karnataka | 970.39 | 2185.84 | 2.25 |
9 | Goa | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| Total | 108526.27 | 815745 | 7.52 |